All persons taking part in “The Bedworth and District Air Rifle League” do so entirely at their OWN RISK.
Personal Accident Insurance is the responsibility of the Individual Shooter or Club, NOT “The Bedworth and District Air Rifle League.”
All rules to be interpreted in accordance with GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP and guidance given by the committee.
The League shall be known as “The Bedworth and District Air Rifle League”.
The League shall be governed by the President, Vice President, Chairman and a Committee of one member from each Club. Five members of the Committee to form a Quorum to discuss and carry out business.
League Meetings to be held at the League Headquarters “The Bedworth Ex-Servicemen’s Club” and shall be as indicated in the fixture list. The League Annual General Meeting shall be held on the last league shooting fixture.
Air rifles to be .177 calibre, NO telescopic sights, NO break barrels to be used unless vetted by the committee.
Targets to be 5 feet from the floor to centre of the bull, target range 18 feet, bull size 3/8″ diameter and lit with a 100W bulb.
Target plates and shooting range to be checked by Team Captains before the start of the match, comments to recorded on the back of the scoresheet.
All Air Rifles in the “Bedworth & District Air Rifle League” must have a maximum power of 7 ft/lb (For Health and Safety reasons and Insurance purposes) Any disputed guns to be vetted by the Committee/Team Captains prior to use.
NO Field Target Rifles allowed.
NO aids to shooting attached to Air Rifles are allowed. NO shooter to overstep the mark, NO part of the shooters clothing to touch the table.
Cup holders to present Cups / Shields to Finals, failing this Cup holders will be fined the value to replace the Cup (if lost). The Cups and Shields are Challenge Trophies and are NOT to be won outright. After the League Annual Presentation, the holders of the Trophies shall guarantee to keep them in good condition.
Proposed Rule Changes to be received by the League Secretary in writing 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Details to be given to the team delegates to enable proposed rules changes to be discussed with their team members before the Annual General Meeting.
An extra ordinary meeting may be called during the season to discuss any matter the delegates consider appropriate i.e., rule changes. One month’s notice to be given before that meeting.
League Matches:
Match nights to be on Tuesdays each week.
Matches to start at 8.15pm. Practice to be allowed before any League or Cup match. max 3 shots per shooter. Reserves to shoot after the match or at the captain’s decision, reserves score to be recorded on the back of the scoresheet. Time limit allowed 6 minutes for each shooter.
Teams to consist of 6 shooters minimum and 11 shooters maximum who will shoot on three targets. The home team start on target one, away teams on target two & three at the same time and rotate after every shooter, The second half to repeat this procedure. The top 7 scores count for the team total, (Max score 350). Half time will be after 5 shooters from each team. If a team fails to field 7 shooters, but has a minimum of 6 shooters, the score from the lowest shooter from the other two teams counting scores will be added to the team total. NOTE: If a shooter wishes to shoot and go, the captains to give permission, there must be a short break before the shooter goes on to the other target.
Each shooter to fire 5 shots from the free-standing position, one sighter to be allowed, all shots count face value 5,4,3,2,1. Part of the shot must be in the hole to count bull, shot splitting the line benefit to the shooter.
All shooters names to be on the scoresheet by 9.30pm. All listed shooters on the scoresheet to pay 50p match fee.
A shooter is considered signed on for a team immediately he has shot for that team. New shooters may join the league at any time.
No shooter is allowed to transfer during the season. If a team allows a person to shoot for them when that person has already shot for another team, they shall forfeit the match on each occasion. If a team withdraws from the League, its shooters may re-register through the Committee.
If a team fails to put in an appearance or have the required number present, those present shall shoot and the team scoring the highest will win. If no witness present from the opposing team, scores will not count toward League Averages.
Averages, Shooters must shoot 75% of League Matches to qualify. Possibles will still be 5 bulls, Averages 25 based on 5 shots.
The match points are awarded as follows: - 1st 3pts: 1st= 2.5 pts: 2nd 2 pts: 2nd= 1.5pts: 3rd 1 pts. The club scoring the highest number of points at the end of the season shall be declared the League Winners. In the event of teams having equal points at the end of the season, there shall be a shoot off on a neutral target to decide the League Winners and or Runners Up.
The captains have control over all matches, and shall demand silence when shooting is in progress, if they fail to agree over a shot the target to be closed, matter to be referred to the Committee and Team Captains.
Les Earl Rules
Entrance fee to be decided by the Committee. The draw to be made by the Committee.
All shooters to have 1 sighter followed by 10 scoring shots. Scoring to be 5.1 for a clean bull.
Roll call to be decided by the Committee. Shooters not present at the roll call will be disqualified unless they have notified the League secretary that they intend to be late.
In the event of a tie. A sudden death shoot of will decide the winners, i.e., second shooter fires a further, the first shooter fires a further shot, the highest score wins. This procedure repeats until an outright winner emerges.
Shooters must turn up on the night they have been drawn to shoot, otherwise they will forfeit the match.
Shooters are not allowed to re-arrange matches unless they are on Les Earl Match nights.
When a shooter has been knocked out of the competition, they will not be allowed to re-enter by default. i.e., if they person who beat them retires after their match.
Arther Till Rules:
Entrance fee to be decided by the Committee. Pay on the night.
The league to be split into three divisions. Division ‘A’ averages, Division ‘B’ averages, Division ‘C’ averages. Each division a separate competition. (Division average to be decided by League Secretary to balance out each Division)
All shooters to have 1 sighter followed by 6 scoring shots in the first round of the competition. Scoring to be 5.1 for a clean bull.
Approx. top 3 shooters in each division go into the second round. Shooter with the highest combined total wins.
In the event of a tie. The shooters involved to fire a further round, if a tie still exists, shooters involved to have a sudden death shoot off to decide the winner.
Memorial Shield Rules:
Entrance fee to be decided by the Committee. Pay on the night.
The league to be split into three divisions. Division ‘A’ averages, Division ‘B’ averages, Division ‘C’ averages. Each division a separate competition. (Division average to be decided by League Secretary to balance out each Division)
All shooters to have 1 sighter and 5 scoring shots on both bell and paper targets, both scores added together. Scoring to be 5.1 for a clean bull. Approx. top 3 in each division to go into second round. Shooter with the highest combined total wins.
In the event of a tie. The shooters involved to fire a further round on paper targets, if a tie still exists, countback rule to apply on paper targets.